Fauci declared remdesivir to be the “standard of care” for COVID-19 by fiat when he told the press about it well before the rigged, manipulated study that he funded could be peer-reviewed or published.1 The FDA rubber-stamped remdesivir on May 1, 2020, as the first Emergency Use Authorized drug for COVID-19.
Kennedy points out why this action was so devastating:
“FDA’s recognition of remdesivir as the new ‘Standard of Care’ for COVID meant that Medicaid and insurance companies could not legally deny it to patients and would have to fork over Gilead’s exorbitant price tag on a product US taxpayers had, by then, spent at least $85 million to develop. Improving Gilead’s business even more, doctors and hospitals that failed to use remdesivir could now be sued for malpractice. . . .”2
In addition, federal legislation was passed that further incentivized hospitals to prescribe remdesivir. Namely, hospitals are now allowed to increase the total bill by 20% if remdesivir is prescribed during a patient’s hospital stay.3
The toxicity and ineffectiveness of remdesivir is widely known in the research community.4 Apparently, however, financial incentives and legal immunity were enough for hospital administrators and healthcare administrators all over the US to feign ignorance and thereby kill hundreds of thousands of people. Because of their financially incentivized insistence that the patients’ only choice is between remdesivir and no treatment, many hospitals have gone to court to fight attempts by doctors and patient advocates to provide safer and more effective treatments like ivermectin, HCQ, intravenous vitamin C, etc.
When Nuremberg 2.0 begins, Fauci should of course be at the top of the list of defendants. However, let’s not forget the hospital administrators, healthcare administrators, and the doctors who knowingly poisoned millions of Americans with the toxic remdesivir out of greed and cowardice.
“The Real Anthony Fauci” [TRAF] by Robert F. Kennedy Jr pg 67. Kennedy is citing work from Vera Sharav.
TRAF pg 67
TRAF pg 68 gives several examples
Thanks for bringing attention to this deadly corruption. I pray that we do see Nuremberg 2.0, but if we do not, we will surely see God's perfect justice at the Great White Throne judgment. We should all be saying "remdesivir" the same way that Dr. Ardis does, which is: "Run! Death-Is-Near".