For years, there has been a worldwide crackdown on natural thyroid supplements and synthetic T3. It's easy to get T4, which doesn't work for many people, but T3 is being phased out almost everywhere. Even the places where one could buy it over the counter have ended that, for instance everywhere in the Balkans. And if you ask for it at a pharmacy, they look at you like you asked for crack. I got my current supply in Mexico OTC, but how long will that go on. T3 has definitely cured my brain fog. I have 100 days left of mental clarity, and 2 months to get more in Mexico before I have to leave. Even in Tijuana, most pharmacies have never heard of T3, Cynomel, etc., you really have to shop around.

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Thank you for reading and for your comment. I was not aware of T3 vs T4 but going by what is happening with other supplements I would guess you are exactly correct. I know several people that take thyroid medication and I suspect they are all of the T4 variety. I will share your information with them.

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I've had a prescription for Armour Thyroid for years (here in the U.S.). I understand it has both T3 and T4, but not sure of the amounts.

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We moved to Colorado from Northern Virginia 14 years ago - one of the main reasons was to get away from the ticks. Loudon County, VA was a hot spot for Lyme disease - our dog got lyme disease, our kids routinely came inside with ticks, many friends suffered with chronic lyme. To this day my kids have symptoms that could be Lyme related (adhd, anxiety, facial tics etc. ). They have been tested and are negative, but the tests are garbage so who knows. Then, my dad (lives in West Virginia) came down with Lyme a couple months ago, it took a long time to get diagnosed because his symptoms checked boxes for covid so the doctor would not see him in person. Via telehealth the doctor just kept telling him it had to be Covid. Thank God he broke out in a lyme rash or he would still be untreated. Even though I don't know if my kids had Lyme, we've always had weird issues and some things that have helped us are going gluten free and using a product called TRS, a zeolite which is supposed to chelate heavy metals. Also, extended exposure to sunlight at dawn and dusk. The different wavelengths of light in the am and pm supposedly trigger the production of the appropriate hormones throughout the day, I have noticed a benefit since doing this. Anyway, I appreciated the last podcast about copper, KPU and Klinghardt's protocol. I'm hoping that info can help my dad in his battle with Lyme. Sorry for the long comment and thanks so much for your work!

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Emilie, thank you for listening to and supporting RRN and for your excellent and informative comment. I have heard about TRS but haven't tried it myself. I hope your dad is able to find a doctor who knows how to deal with Lyme. Great to hear from you!

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Thanks for the post, it's good to recognize all the ways our health is being affected.

John Paul wrote a stack about what helped him get better from decades of brain fog. It got my attention because I had tried high dose niacin flush about a year ago. Even though I'm in the best health of my life, I wanted to see what niacin flush did just in case I wanted to use it someday (people said it helped their covid symptoms). It had the most amazing effect on me, I was about 60% less short of breath when hiking up a hill that I hike regularly. It was quite an amazing change. So I do high dose niacin flush it every quarter to take care of inflammation that might be in my body.


Take good care. 💕

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Have you checked out deaddoctorsdontlie.com and Dr. Wallach?

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I am familiar with Dr. Wallach but thank you for the reminder, Darnel!

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And let's not forget our old friend, sugar. Or just refined carbs in general. I try as much as possible to avoid them and have noticed an improvement in mental clarity. Taken one step further, fasting (intermittent or prolonged) does wonders to clean out bodily junk that slows us down both mentally and physically. Of course, getting proper sleep, fresh air, sunshine and exercise all play a part as well.

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Good article. Just a heads up. If it weren't for your post on NA social, I wouldn't have known about this substack post. I'm a subscriber of "Critiquing Eugenics", but got no notice in any of my many of the many e-mail buckets that should have caught the notice. Granted, it's a gmail address, and they may be the culprit.

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Thanks Chris! And thank you for the heads-up about email. I noticed that some of my emails from Substack started going to spam as well.

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This study found anomalies in cerebrospinal fluid; the fluid revealed elevated levels of protein suggesting brain inflammation. “It’s possible the immune system is stimulated by the virus even though the individuals did not have the virus in their bodies.” https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2022/01/422156/cerebrospinal-fluid-offers-clues-post-covid-brain-fog

Hyperbolic Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) appears to help some people.

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No brain fog here as explained ( no shots too) but easy to feel that my brain is really very tired because all of the situation and what is happening all over the world, all the news, findings, all of the known unknown, all the upside down rules and absurd ideas and the speed of eradication of the old culture, worries for present and future, sadness, feeling of helplessness, lack of the future plans, lack of moderation, because of the point where humanity is today etc. When the brain is tired and the mind is overhelmed with all of these, the body is tired too, or it feels like because all its energy is wasted for nothing good, enjoyble, constructive.

When I have time, I paint , that is my only best time when I don't feel tired because I can' t think of something else, I am in another world. Wish you health and all the best!

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Papillon, thank you for taking the time to read and for your thoughtful comment. I certainly can identify with the feelings you have when looking at the world today. Your paintings are great and I really enjoy the short commentaries that accompany them. Excellent work!

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Thank you so much!

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Look into "Targeted Individuals" and "Gang Stalking".

Consider the possibility that completely Remote Mind Control technology has existed for nearly a century. It can see and hear what you see and hear. It can see what is in your imagination, and plant images in the imagination, making you believe they are your own. It can control your body's biological functions. It can read your thoughts, and plant thoughts in your mind in such a manner that you believe these thoughts to be your own. It monitors your emotions and can induce emotional states. It is operated worldwide by people which have no allegiance to any nation, and which intend to install a world totalitarian system (sound familiar? The Globalists, currently most associated with the WEF). Most people are unaware this is being done to them. However, there is a small subset of the population, best known as Targeted Individuals, which are remotely tortured, another capability of this technology. For decades the tortured have been identified as having mental health problems. Many of the tortured are driven into poverty and homelessness and some even driven into the desired result of suicide.

This is the best kept secret of the last century.

This is not to belittle the real danger of the known technological threats to our health and well being. This Remote Mind Control system is yet another technological threat to our Freedom which we need to stop, in order to deter the panopticon the Globalists are intent on forcing on the entire world population.

Please consider the possibility that many of the suicidal are that way because of Remote Mind Control technology inducing the emotional states of depression and the suicidal ideation. This is likely particularly in those which appear to be "untreatable". Targeted Individuals.

Lastly, consider the possibility that your Brain Fog is induced by Remote Mind Control technology.

Video which gives a good introduction:


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Bob, thank you for reading and commenting. I have never gotten the impression that I was being directly/specifically targeted but I know that the technology you are talking about is real and there are real victims of it.

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The majority of the world's population, for generations, at least since the 50s. Without the torture, you wouldn't know it.

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